Welcome to our Miles City Area Economic Development Council (MCAEDC) web site.
Our primary goal is to provide you with assistance for your business development needs and information that will aid you in successfully locating your business in the beautiful Miles City area.
Our organization is a local non-profit economic development group located in Miles City that works closely with Southeastern Montana Development Corporation, a certified regional development corporation covering a four county area that includes Custer, Treasure, Rosebud and Powder River Counties.
The purpose and goal of MCAEDC is to provide support to existing businesses, promote new business development, assist in developing community leadership and assist with the continued development of the Miles City and Custer County area infrastructure by providing:
- Free Business Consulting and Planning
- Potential Funding Research and Identification
- Business Loans (thru SEMDC)
- Grant Writing (thru SEMDC)
- Leadership Training
- Coordination Between Local, State, and Federal Agencies and Groups
- Information For Developers and Business Owners (Permits, Contacts, Etc.)
We welcome you to view the pages above to learn more about the services we offer.